In the heart of California’s agricultural landscape, the production of onions thrives in diverse regions, each with its own unique climate and growing conditions. At Gills Onions, ensuring a steady supply of high quality, freshly harvested onions is not just a matter of farming expertise – it’s also a testament to the dedication and skill of our team of truck drivers. 

Loaded with tens of thousands of pounds of onions, these drivers are the unsung heroes who bridge the gap between our fields and processing facility, ensuring our fresh produce reaches customers across the nation. 

Recently, we spoke with one such driver, Miguel Chavira, whose journey from humble beginnings to seasoned professional exemplifies the vital role our sister company, Gills Transportation, has on our onion supply chain. Join us as we learn more about Miguel’s story and uncover the indispensable contributions he provides in bringing fresh, flavorful onions from farm to table.

Being One With the Land

Hailing from Chihuahua, Mexico, Miguel knows exactly what it takes to work the land. Raised on his family’s farm, he worked alongside his father and grandfather raising beans, corn, beef cows and dairy cows. While he enjoyed the work and life lessons learned, he knew deep down it wasn’t the path for him. 

“I saw the trucks on the road and said, ‘I want to be in one of those,’ because I would be able to go places I’ve never been before or be able to go on my own,” said Miguel. 

Leaving school in the fifth-grade and moving to the United States in his mid-teens with his dad, aunt and uncle, Miguel knew it would be difficult – and it was. At first, no one was willing to take a risk and hire him because he was too young. But shortly after he turned 17, Miguel found his way to Gills Onions – a place he’s called home for the last 37 years. 

Miguel began his career at Gills Onions sweeping the floors of our processing facility before working as a forklift driver and operating other equipment. He held that role for 12 years before being offered the role he’d been tirelessly working towards – a truck driver with Gills Transportation.

Miles on Miles

As a truck driver for Gills Transportation, Miguel’s days can be anything but predictable. From big cities to rural towns, his journey takes him to every corner of California and throughout the Western United States. Sometimes his shifts begin in the quiet hours of the evening, while other times he’s up before the sun, ready to hit the road at 4 or 5 in the morning. 

From California’s agricultural hubs of Fresno, Salinas, and Sacramento to the sprawling metropolises of Los Angeles and San Francisco, Miguel’s routes crisscross the Golden State. But his travels extend far beyond California’s borders. At times, Miguel embarks on journeys that take him to Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Utah, and Nevada, to pick up additional onions when we’re no longer able to supply our own or picking up much needed supplies.

Each spring, our onion harvest season kicks off in May in the small town of Brawley, nestled in the heart of the Imperial Valley. From there, we move to Bakersfield from June to August, before wrapping up our season in King City from August to November. In the midst of our harvest season, there’s a good chance you’ll catch Miguel in full swing, setting off on one of his 400 to 600-mile round trips to pick up another load of onions – a trip he makes six days a week.

Making His Life His Own

As Miguel reflects on his journey, he sees his role not just as a driver but as a mentor, eager to share his wealth of knowledge with the next generation of truckers. His open-hearted approach to teaching underscores his belief in the power of collaboration and mutual support within our team. “I’m not here all the time,” Miguel explains. “But I’ve ensured the other drivers have the skills they need to go on when I’m not here.”

For Miguel, life behind the wheel represents freedom – meeting new people and seeing new sights along the way. “My life is my own – it’s just me and my truck,” he reflects, embodying the spirit of independence that drives him forward each day.

So, the next time you savor the crisp bite of a Gills Onion, take a moment to acknowledge the dedication and expertise that went into bringing it to your table. Behind every Gills onion lies a team of tireless individuals like Miguel, whose unwavering commitment ensures that only the finest produce makes its way to your plate. Though you may never meet Miguel in person, his passion and dedication are woven into every mile he travels, ensuring the legacy of excellence at Gills Onions endures for years to come.